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Laser technology offers excellent results in reducing spider veins and facial redness.

Microdermabrasion is a treatment for men and women who don’t want to undergo the time, expense, discomfort, longer healing time, and possible side effects of alternative skin resurfacing treatments such as chemical peel, dermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing, and have fairly minor skin problems: fine lines, mild acne, blotches, pigmentation, small scars. It is commonly known as the “lunch time peel” because it takes only minutes to perform and is designed to soften fine wrinkles, smooth scarring and rejuvenate skin by promoting unblemished skin growth.

The best candidates for Microdermabrasion are women and men who have healthy skin and are in good health. One of the biggest advantages is you can return to work or exercise immediately. You should refrain from direct sun exposure for one week before and after each treatment.

  • What is Laser Hair Removal?
    Until the last few years, shaving, plucking, waxing, and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. In the early 1990′s, the first reports of using laser energy to selectively damage and disable actively growing hair follicles were published, and since the mid 1990′s, laser hair removal has become the “Gold Standard” method for hair removal.
  • How does Laser Hair Removal Work?
    There are several laser hair removal systems available today, but they all work using the principal of selective photothermolysis, in which a carefully timed pulse of laser energy passes through the skin and is absorbed and converted to heat energy at the hair follicle. The generated heat energy is designed to destroy the hair follicle so it cannot grow back. AZ Laser Clinic utilizes the Candela GentleYAG laser which is the latest technology available for hair removal and it is FDA approved to treat all skin types, specializing in dark and tanned skin.
  • Who is the best Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
    Laser Hair Removal works best with darker haired patients. Because the primary target in hair follicles is melanin pigment (dark pigment), less laser energy is absorbed by the skin and more by the hair follicle. Tanned skin also “robs” laser energy as it passes through the skin to the hair follicle. Because the pigment in the hair is the target for the laser energy, gray or white hair (which lacks pigment) cannot be effectively treated with any laser or light-based device.
  • How many Laser Hair Removal Treatments will I need?
    The number of treatments you may require for optimal long-term benefits depends on a wide variety of factors, including the area you wish to have treated, the hair density and your hair’s growth cycle. Your hair grows in regular cycles and there are many factors influence it’s growth. One’s age, ethnicity, weight, hormones, diet, medication and metabolism all play a part in your hair’s location, thickness and resilience. Laser Hair Removal has its greatest effect on hair in the growing stage, also known as the anagen phase of the cycle; as the dormant, or telogen hairs become active, on average about 6 weeks after a treatment, some new hair growth will be observed. Multiple laser treatments are necessary for best results. Approximately 4-8 treatments every 6 weeks will be necessary for satisfactory, long-lasting results.
  • What are the side effects of Laser Hair Removal?
    Slight reddening and local swelling of the skin, similar to a sunburn, may occur in some clients. These effects are typically gone within a few hours, however could last up to 24 hours. In some instances, hyperpigmentation (dark spots) or hypopigmantation (light spots) may occur; although it is very unlikely, if they do occur it is also not permanent. Your consultant will review with you the potential side effects from Laser Hair Removal, and answer any more questions you may have.
  • What does Laser Hair Removal Treatment feel like?
    For your comfort AZ Laser Clinic uses a GentleYAG laser which utilizes a Dynamic Cooling Devise, which is a quick spray of cryogen which cools the skin. Right after the cryogen hits the skin and cools it the laser is fired. A pulse of laser light feels like a small pinch or slight sting similar to the snap of a rubber-band against skin. Primarily because of the Dynamic Cooling Devise, no local anesthesia is required and the procedure is well tolerated.
  • Can all hair be treated with Laser Hair Removal?
    Virtually all areas of the body can be treated and all hair types can be treated. However, it is unlikely that red, blonde, or gray hair will achieve optimum results.
  • Are there some people who should not get Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
    There are certain medical conditions and medications that preclude patients from laser treatment. Certain medications can cause increased photosensitivity and may cause burns if not properly recognized. AZ Laser Clinic will review your medical history prior to treatment. It is imperative to have certified medical personnel perform all laser procedures for safety reasons.
  • What is the Laser Hair Removal process?
    Laser Hair Removal is a process that utilizes a low-energy laser to gently and easily remove unwanted hair, putting an end to the day to day routine shaving and waxing. This new advanced technology transcends the older, painful hair removal treatments to deliver effective long-lasting results. Because the laser treats more than one hair at a time, it is possible to effectively treat larger areas such as the back, shoulders, arms, legs, bikini area and face. Laser treatments leave your skin looking and feeling younger, smoother and silkier. Best of all, Laser Hair Removal treatments have proven to be safe, fast, gentle, and effective alternative method for hair removal.
  • What are the benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
    Larger and sensitive areas may be treated using lasers than with electrolysis, waxing or tweezing. It combines the speed of shaving with better and lasting results promised by electrolysis. Laser Hair Removal is effective in any area of the body where younger, smoother and hair-free skin is desired.
  • How is Laser Hair Removal different from electrolysis?
    Electrolysis is an antiquated and much slower process. During electrolysis a needle is actually inserted into each hair follicle, one at a time, over and over again. Each time it is inserted, an electric shock burns the follicle to retard hair growth. Laser Hair Removal uses the cool light of the laser to scan the treatment area, identify the hair follicle and within minutes all of the hairs in the laser’s beam are treated. Almost all patients who have had both procedures say that Laser Hair Removal is less painful, faster, more convenient and longer lasting.
  • How can I get more of my questions about Laser Hair Removal answered?
    Contact AZ Laser Clinic and our expert staff, all of whom are certified and knowledgeable on medical lasers, will be more than happy to answer any questions you may still have. You can reach us at 915-317-5212.
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